
This list is haphazard and poorly curated. If you want something prettier but less extensive, visit my portfolio page.

Bots and procedural writing

You can find more of my bots here.

Textual interfaces and physical devices

Open source software

  • pronouncingpy: a simple and friendly interface to the CMU pronouncing dictionary. Making rhyming easy since 2015.
  • pronouncingjs: a Javascript port of pronouncingpy. Easy to use on the server or in the browser!
  • pycorpora: a pip-installable Python interface for Darius Kazemi’s Corpora Project.
  • Everyword Bot: a Python framework for making @everyword-like Twitter bots.
  • My Dinosaur: a simple way to generate RSS feeds in Python; intended for bot authors.


Video games, game design and game criticism

Constructed languages

One-offs, simple tools and bagatelles

Videos of lectures and invited talks


I also occasionally upload video of works in progress to Vimeo. I make the source code for many of my projects available on GitHub.
